Leasowe - Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Tiernan
Year 3 Teacher
Ms Roberts
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
What we are learning about this term in Leasowe Class with Miss Tiernan.
To start the term, we will begin with a poetry focus where children will be using a range of figurative language in their writing. In Reading lessons, pupils will study a range of poems and lyrics from songs focussing on the language used, the effect on the reader and the mood being created.
Every Wednesday, we will have an Extended Writing lesson where we will start with an extended poetry lesson, moving onto advertisements afterwards. Pupils will be given the opportunity to include a range of vocabulary and varying sentence types to develop their writing to create images for their readers.
Spellings will be given out each week. These should be practised at home as well as in school, in preparation for the spelling test on Fridays. Some of the spellings will be given over two weeks, allowing plenty of time for pupils to practise these.
Maths will begin this term with further multiplication and division. Pupils will use their prior knowledge from the previous term to solve multiplation and division problems. They will also develop an understanding of mental and written addition as well as mental and written multiplication. Pupils will also continue to practise times tables daily, beginning with doubles and halves, followed by the fours and eights.
In science, the children will begin by studying humans and animals. In these lessons, pupils will conduct investigations and discussions around how the body works and how humans can difer to animals.
During this topic we will also explore the types of food we should be eating and how we can keep a healthy balanced diet. These lessons will teach children how the human body works and how animals may look different, their bodies still have similar functions. In these lessons, pupils will continue to build on their scientific enquiry skills.
Wider Curriculum – History and Geography
Our focus for this first half term is Ancient Egypt. Children will learn all about Ancient Egypt including when it began, what it was like and explore all of the different architecture and inventions created in that time period. Children will use a variety of sources to learn about the period and develop their understanding of the past.
Wider Curriculum -Physical Education
In PE, the children will be getting taught by Craig. In these lessons they will continue to learn new skills and develop previously taught skills.
Wider Curriculum - Art & Design Technology
In art lessons, children will be learning about the artisit David Hockney and his collaging techniques. The children will be looking into the life of the artist and also learn the skill of collage to create their own landscapes.
Wider Curriculum - Music
Mrs Shakspeare will teach music on a Friday. Pupils will enjoy rhythm lessons and learning new music as well as playing many musical instruments.
Wider Curriculum - PSHE
PSHE lessons will continue to be taught through assemblies and class discussions. The children will be focusing on learning about the values for our school, which are ambition, resilience, respect and creativity, whilst also looking into friendship and why it is important to be kind to everyone.
Wider Curriculum - RE
During RE lessons this term, children will be studying Hindu Dhama and why family is an important part of Hindu life.
Wider Curriculum - Computing
During Computing lessons, children will learn about spreadsheets and how they can be used effectively, allowing them to gather data and create their own spreadsheet to store information and findings.
Wider Curriculum - Spanish
During Spanish lessons, children will continue to broaden their knowledge of Spanish vocabulary including their numbers from 1-10 and looking at how we say different colours.
General Class Reminders
- Full school P.E. kit is needed on Wednesday for (PE lessons).
- READING BOOKS need to be brought into school Children will change their home reader and Library book in school on a Friday.
- HOMEWORK will be set every Friday and will be due back in school the following Wednesday. Pupils will also be given spellings to learn. These will be tested on the following Friday.
Throughout the term work completed by the children will be put on to our blog.
Please look at our work by visiting - www.castleviewprimaryschool.co.uk
Twitter - @CastleView_PS
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/639210016975323/ - Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.
Instagram - @castle_viewps
Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important. Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up.
Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.
If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to me. Thank you, Miss Tiernan.