Halton - Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Bedford
Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Pichilingi
Teaching Assistant
What we are learning about this term in Halton Class with Miss Bedford.
This term will begin with a focus on poetry. We will be developing our range of vocabulary, listening to and reading a range of poems, as well as creating actions for and reciting poetry. The children will be developing their ability to write ‘the perfect sentence’ (using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops accurately and independently). They will build up to forming simple sentences independently to write their own poem. We will then begin learning about what a fact file is and research facts and information for our own fact files. The children will then write their own animal fact files, using some of the knowledge they have learnt in their Science lessons. In Guided Reading lessons, the children will read a range of short poems and stories. The children will complete daily phonics lessons and they will use their phonic knowledge to sound out words and to develop their reading skills.
This term will begin with a focus on place value of numbers to twenty, consisting of basic number recognition and careful counting to twenty. The children will count forwards and backwards to 20 and look at one more and one less of a given number. This will be followed by work on strengthening their knowledge on number bonds to and of 20. There will be a focus on addition and subtraction with numbers to 20, where the children will use mathematical resources to aid their learning each lesson. We will then move onto focussing on geometry where the children will explore 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
This term, we will be learning about animals. The children will focus on recognising and identify common animals, and will develop their use of subject specific vocabulary to describe the features of common animals. We will learn about the 5 animal groups (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians) and will explore the key features and characteritics of animals to identify and classify them into the groups. We will learn about animal diets (herbivore, carnivore and omnivore) and investigate the diets of common animals.
Wider Curriculum – History & Geography
Our focus this term is History, and our topic is ‘Explorers'. We will be learning about the lives of two famous explorers from the past, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. We will invetsigate what an explorer is, why these two people are remembered, and what was so special about their expeditions. We will explore what the world would have been like at the time of Christopher Columbus and at the time of Neil Armstrong, and compare both of these time periods to our own. We will investigate how things changed from the time of Christopher Columbus to the time of Neil Armstrong, and how these changes and inventions impacted their expeditions.
Wider Curriculum – Computing
This term, we will continue to refine our mouse and keyboard skills. We will be learning about grouping and sorting, and will create pictograms using the Purple mash software.
Wider Curriculum – Physical Education
This term, our focus will be on playing team building games and consider our own health and wellbeing. We will explore the importance of teamwork when playing games and what good teamwork looks like. We will consider what it feels like to be left out of games and what it takes to make a good team, and to be a good team player. We will develop our communication skills while playing games in order to develop simple strategies to complete physical challenges as a team. We will also consider what it means to be 'agile' and how to develop our agility when moving. We will then move onto exploring developing our balance and coordination skills through games.The children will be given the opportunity to work both independently and in a group. The children will have Keep Fit and dance lessons weekly which will focus on developing skills and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
PE lessons will be taught outside wherever possible. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately: joggers, jumper and waterproof coat can be worn.
Wider Curriculum – Art & Design Technology
We will start the term with an art focus, specifically looking at developing our collage skills. We will focus on the artist Brianna McCarthy, famous for her collage artworks. We will explore collage teachniques and consider how to rip, tear and cut materials. For the second half of our term, we will move onto a DT focus where the children will research, design, make and evaluate a. Easter card with a moving part.
Wider Curriculum – Music
Mrs Shakespeare will teach the children music lessons on a Friday. Children will enjoy rhythm lessons and learning new music as well as playing many musical instruments.
Wider Curriculum – PHSE
This term in PSHE, our focus will be on keeping safe. We will think about the people in our lives that can help us, keeping our personal information private, and how to stay safe around medicine.
Wider Curriculum – RE
This term, our focus will be on Christianity. We will invetigate how Christians might show their devotion to God. We will learn about the Christian service of baptism and the religious artefacts associated with baptism. We visit a church in our local area to find out how they carry out baptism services.
Wider Curriculum – Spanish
In Spanish lessons, the children will learn greetings. They will apply this by answering the register in Spanish every morning and afternoon. We will learn this through a range of activities and songs, to help secure the children’s knowledge.
General Class Reminders
- Full school PE kit is needed on MONDAY for PE lessons.
- Reading books and reading records need to be brought into school everyday.
- The children’s reading books will be changed on a Friday.
- Homework will be set every Friday and will be due back in school the following Wednesday.
- The children will be given spellings to learn each week. These will be tested on a Friday.
Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important. Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up.
Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.
Throughout the term, work completed by the children will be put onto the class blog and social media pages. Please look at our work by visiting:
BLOG: http://www.castleviewprimary.co.uk/
INSTAGRAM: @castle_viewps
TWITTER: @Castle_ViewPS
FACEBOOK: Castle View Primary School (Facebook Group)
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school.
Halton - Year 1: Gallery items
Christmas 2024, by Miss Bedford
Poetry Performances, by Miss Bedford