Mow Cop - Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Vick

Year 4 Teacher

Miss Fraser

Teaching Assistant

What we are learning about during the Autumn Term in Mow Cop Class.


To start the term, we will begin with a poetry focus where children will be using a range of figurative language in their writing. We will continue to develop the children’s writing skills throughout the term, through building character and setting descriptions within narrative. Our Wednesday’s Extended Writing sessions, will alllow the children to further build on their writing skills through a range of short activities to support and scaffold their understanding. During the second half term, the children will develop their undertanding and writing styles as we explore fictional recounts and diary entries. Throughout our writing sessions, the children will be given the opportunity to include a range of vocabulary and varying sentence types to develop their writing to create images for their readers.

In Reading lessons, the children will begin with a study of a range of poems and narratives with a focus on the language used, the effect on the reader and the mood being created with this use of language. As with the Writing lessons, this will be followed by a study of fictional recounts and diary entries, so as to develop and enhance their understanding of how to use a range of different writing skills.

Spellings and grammar will be taught in lessons each day and children will be encouraged to practise these wherever possible. We are also focusing on improving handwriting and ensuring all children are writing at the expected standard. 


In Maths, the children will continue to follow the MNP syllabus, as we continue to develop the children's depth of understanding and mathematical fluency. We begin with exploring Number and Place Value, before moving on to Addition and Subtraction, all of numbers up to 10,000. We then move on to Multiplication and Division of 4-digit numbers. Their learning will be scaffolded their learning by completing daily Fluency activities, where they will be retrieving their previous knowledge of multiplication, time, addition and subtraction methods. These will be amended to focus on meeting the children’s needs, as they are identified.

We will also continue working towards the statutory Multiplication Tests, practicing our multiplication tables on a daily basis.


In science, the children will begin by studying Living Things and exploring how they adapt to their environment. The children will explore habitats and food chains and how they are closely linked together. The children will then study Electrticity, where they will explore how electricity is used and how it travels. They will support their learning by building their own circuits, to explore how electricity travels through different materials, recognising which are good conductors and insulators. They will continue to build up and use their knowledge of scientific vocabulary and scientific investigative skills and use it to predict and draw conclusions from their investigations.

Wider Curriculum – Geography

In Geography, we will be focusing our learning on our local area and exploring the physical and human features in and around the area. We will look at the River Mersey - exploring its source and mouth, along with how it affects the weather and travel and tourism in our area.

The children will develop their map reading skills, as well as using keys to create their own maps, providing them a greater depth of knowledge and understanding of their local area.

Wider Curriculum – Physical Education

In PE, the children will first be focusing on developing their skill of throwing and jumping. During our sessions on throwing, the focus of the learning will be to explore the differences between throwing for accuracy and throwing for distance, and applying the correct technique to achieve both. As we progress to learn about jumping, the focus of the learning will be to explore how we can use our bodies to jump as far as possible using a single jump, as well as using a combination of jumps, in particular hop, skip and jump.

In Autumn Term 2, the children will be heading to the pool to develop their ability to swim with confidence.

Wider Curriculum – Art & Design Technology

Term 1 begins with Art and the children will be exploring the work of world reknowned artist, Joseph Turner, and describing the art, process, formal elements and meaning behind his works. The children will explore how the journey from sketchbook to canvas - supported by our trip to the Tate Gallery, where they will view his work first-hand - and try to recreate a range of his land- and seascapes themselves. They will also use his technique to sketch their own landscapes of our local area.

During Term 2, in our D.T. lessons, the children will further develop their scientific understanding of electrical circuits by researching a range of torches - used for different purposes and by different consumers. They will then apply their knowledge to build their own working torch. 

Wider Curriculum – Music

Mrs Shakspeare will continue to teach our Music lessons with the children. They will enjoy rhythm lessons and learning new music and songs, as well as playing an assortment of musical instruments.

Wider Curriculum – PSHE

PSHE lessons will continue to be taught through assemblies and class discussions. The children will be focusing on building relationships and learning about the values for our school, which are ambition, resilience, respect and creativity. We will also use these sessions to discuss our emotions and showing kindness and acceptance to others.

Wider Curriculum – RE

During RE lessons throughout this term, children will be studying Christianity. They will learn about the Bible and how it holds authority over how Christians live their life. They will also explore how Christians might follow the example of Jesus through charity and personal sacrifice.

Wider Curriculum – Computing

During our Computing lessons, children will learn those basic skills that go hand-in-hand with today’s technological world. It is a valuable skill to have for future careers as almost all types of industries nowadays are dependent on computers.

Children will also learn how to keep themselves safe when online, including effective searching and how to recognise unethical behaviours or prevent cyberbullying. 


General Class Reminders

  • Full school P.E. kit is required on Wednesdays for PE lessons. Children can bring their P.E. kit in once and it can remain here until half term, for convenience.
  • READING BOOKS need to be brought into school every day. Children will have the option of changing their books on a
  • HOMEWORK will be set every Friday and will be due back in school the following Wednesday. Children will also be given spellings to learn and mental maths to practise. 
  • MULTIPLICATION TABLES will be a large focus of our learning throughout the year, in preparation for the end of year assessments. Children will be expected to support their in-school learning by practicing these at home.


Throughout the term work completed by the children will be put on to our blog.

Please look at our work by visiting -

Twitter -  @CastleView_PS

Facebook –  - Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.

Instagram - @castle_viewps


Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important.  Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up.

Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.

 If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to me. Thank you.

 Mr Colecliffe


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Meadway, Halton Brook, WA7 2DZ

Headteacher | Ms H Melarangi

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J Hidden

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SEN Coordinator | Miss L Mulholland

Attendance Officer | Miss A Sheady

Chair of Governors | Mr D Jones

Designated Safeguarding Governor | Mr D Jones

School Office Administrator | Miss E Russell

School Bursar | Mrs S Hudson