Cholmondeley - Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Santos
Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Williams
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
What we are learning about this term in Cholmondeley Class.
To begin the term, we shall have a poetry focus where the children will be taught to use a range of figurative language in their writing. During Guided Reading sessions, the children will study a range of poems from different poets and analyse the language choices and comment on the style of the poem. Following this, the children will learn to write adverts, selecting language which is persuasive and boastful. On a Wednesday, we have an Extended Writing session where the children are expected to write for a longer period of time.
We practise our spellings every week and look at the meaning of the word and use the words within a sentence. Children are encouraged to also practise their spellings at home and in their own time, in preparation for the spelling test on Fridays.
This Term, the pupils will move to focus on fractions. We will look at comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and finding a fraction of an amount. We will also being to look at some lengthier word problems and have a go at unpicking these to allow us to answer them.
In our Science lessons, pupils will be looking at ‘light’ and exploring how light occurs and how shadows are formed during the day. We will experiment with torches when setting up our own investigations. To follow this, our topic will be ‘evolution’. Pupils will learn about how plants and animals have evolved and changed over time and look at scientist’s views on this.
Wider Curriculum – History and Geography
Within History lessons, children will be studying the Industrial Revolution. We shall explore where the revolution began and how it has changed life for people in Britain, with a particular focus on laws in the workplace.
Wider Curriculum -Physical Education
In our PE lessons, the children will be taking part in gymnastics. They will be learning how to perform a roll, how to transition from one area to another and show control when performing in a group.
Wider Curriculum - Art & Design Technology
In our Art lessons, the children will be sculpting. Within this topic, they will study the artist, Rebecca Love, and learn the techniques she applies when sculpting.
Wider Curriculum - Music
Mrs Shakspeare will teach Music on a Wednesday and a Friday. Pupils will enjoy singing lessons and learning new music as well as playing many musical instruments. They will be looking at different classical and contemporary composers and will compare music from different countries and eras.
Wider Curriculum - PSHE
Throughout PSHE lessons, pupils will study the topic ‘rights and respect’. They will learn about their role as a citizen and understand how laws are made in a democratic country.
Wider Curriculum - Computing
In Computing, we will be making spreadsheets. Here we will learn how to input data and how to use the function program to create formula.
Wider Curriculum - Spanish
In Spanish lessons, the children will finish off the previously-started topic ‘desayuno en el café’. We will continue to engage in conversation when ordering foods and drinks. To follow this, we will look at ‘los planetas’. We will learn the names of the planets in the solar system and learn some adjectives to describe these planets in conversation.
General Class Reminders
- Full school P.E. kit is needed on Friday for (PE lessons).
- READING BOOKS need to be brought into school every day. Children can change their Library book in school when necessary.
- HOMEWORK will be set every This will either be due back in the following Wednesday or at a later date if stipulated.
Throughout the term work completed by the children will be put on to our blog.
Please look at our work by visiting -
Twitter - @CastleView_PS
Facebook – - Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.
Instagram - @castle_viewps
Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important. Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up. Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.
If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to us. Thank you.
Miss Santos and Mrs Williams
Cholmondeley - Year 6: Gallery items
A Spanish weather forecast!, by Miss Santos
Cholmondeley - Year 6: Calendar items
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