Chester - Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Mulholland
Year 2 Teacher and SENDCO
Ms Wright
Teaching Assistant
What we are learning about this term in Chester Class with Miss Mulholland.
This term will begin with a focus on poetry. The children will explore the structure of poems and focus on key aspects such as rhyming words and descriptive language. The children will read a range of poems about family and emotions during guided reading lessons and will build up to writing their own family and emotions poetry during writing lessons. We will then be moving our focus to writing letters, focusing on the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ later in the term. The children will continue their daily phonics lessons and develop their reading skills.
We will carry on with our focus on multiplication and division this half term, the children will be learning how to solve multiplication problems in the 10, 5 and 2 times tables. They will be introduced to the multiplication and the division symbol. We will learn how to count in three’s too. We will then be focusing on measurement. We will look at measuring length, mass and temperature. The children will take measurements and do lots of comparisons. The children will continue their Mastering Number lessons, in which we focus on developing our understanding of the composition of numbers, which supports us in our daily maths lessons.
In the first half term, we will be learning about animals and their offspring. We will be focussing on how animals grow and reproduce. We will also be learning about how animals can adapt to their environment. After the half term break, we will be moving our focus to humans! We will be learning about what humans need to survive as well as the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and hygiene.
Wider Curriculum – History and Geography
This half term we will be focusing on History. Our topic is called ‘History of The Railway’. We will create a timeline of inventions linked to the railway. We will focus on important figures in terms of rail inventions and look at some local History, such as George Stephenson’s The Rocket. We will look at the differences between new and old trains and the impact the railway has had on the world and the environment. We will compare first, second and third class on an old train and the types of people who travelled in each. After the half term break we will be focusing on Geography. Our topic is called ‘Jaipur Vs Merseyside’. We will be learning about the two places and comparing them. We will focus on the landmarks, the weather and the culture there.
Wider Curriculum – Computing
This term the children will be learning about how to make digital music. We will be using the Purple Mash software to explore, edit and combine sounds. This will lead up to us thinking about how music can be used to express feelings and portray emotions and finally, creating our own piece of digital music.
Wider Curriculum – Physical Education
This term our focus in PE will be on ‘Team Building’ and 'Health and Wellbeing'. The children will focus on teamwork skills. We will be thinking about how we can work together as a team and make use of effective communication. This will allow us to explore simple strategies and think about how to problem solve in a team.
PE lessons will be taught outside wherever possible. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately: joggers, jumper and waterproof coat can be worn.
Wider Curriculum – Art & Design Technology
This half term will begin with a focus on art. We will be exploring drawing, painting and printing. We will be learning about the work of Henri Matisse and will explore his famous artworks. We will link this to the composer Karl King and look at his music. We will then be exploring different methods to print with paint and will create our own printed art pieces using relief printing blocks that we will have designed and made.
In the second half term we will be moving on to a DT focus. The children will be learning about templates and joining We will look at how to thread a needle and do simple running stitch. We will then use our skills to creat hand puppets.
Wider Curriculum – Music
Mrs Shakespeare will teach the children music. Their music lessons will take place every Friday. The children will enjoy learning about different elements of music such as rhythm, pulse and pitch, as well playing different musical instruments.
Wider Curriculum – PHSE
This term in PSHE, we will be focusing on our environment and our community, and how we can positively impact it. We will also be thinking about our feelings and emotions and the feelings of people around us. After the half term break, we will be learning about financial literacy and what money is, where it comes from, as well as how we can earn, spend and save money.
Wider Curriculum – RE
This term we will continue learning about Christianity with a focus on what unites the Christian community. We will think about our own school community and how we contribute to it, as well as what it means to belong. We will learn about Christian traditions and objects, as well as important Christian beliefs and practices such as worshiping together. After the half term break we will start to learn about Hinduism and how people can their show devotion.
Wider Curriculum – Spanish
This term in Spanish the children will be learning about greetings. We will learn different ways to say hello and goodbye, as well as how to introduce ourselves. The children will learn through a range of speaking, listening, reading and writing activities.
General Class Reminders
- Full school PE kit is needed on MONDAY for PE lessons.
- Reading books and reading records need to be brought into school every day.
- The children’s reading books will be changed on a Friday.
- Homework will be set every Friday and will be due back in school the following Wednesday.
- The children will be given spellings to learn each week. These will be tested on a Friday.
Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important. Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up.
Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.
Throughout the term, work completed by the children will be put onto our blog or Twitter page. Please look at our work by visiting or Castle_ViewPS
If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school.
Chester - Year 2: Gallery items
Christmas Party, by Miss Mulholland
Elfie Selfieās, by Miss Mulholland
Christmas Trip, by Miss Mulholland