Beeston - Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Burgon

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gordon

Reception Teacher

Mrs Richards

Teaching Assistant

Ms Falcorner

Teaching Assistant

Beeston 2/ Reception Class- Spring term 2025

Happy New Year!

We hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a fun filled Spring term. We are looking forward to sharing new experiences together and developing our learning further.


Our overarching themes for this term are ‘I wonder what is out there?’ and ‘I wonder how we can get there?’. We will be reading and exploring the stories: Cinderella’s Smile, Robin’s Winter Song, Lost and Found, The Great Race, Emma Jane’s Aeroplane, You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus, The Easter Story, We’re Going on an Egg Hunt, Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. We will also be exploring other texts and some key celebrations, including Easter, St David’s Day, World Book Day, Red Nose Day, St Patricks Day as well as celebrating these together in school. We will be exploring these exciting stories through all areas of learning and will develop the children’s knowledge through thrilling activities. However, these books and topics may change as we adapt our planning to the current needs and interests of the children.

Communication, Language and Literacy

During this term, the children will have a range of books read to them which focus on our I wonder topics: ‘I wonder what is out there?’ and ‘I wonder how we can get there?’. The children will be supported to read simple books but also read for a range of purposes, such as: reading lists, instructions, letters and messages.

The children will continue to take part in daily phonics sessions. Phonics teaches children letter sounds which enables them to blend and segment sounds together to help them learn to read and write. This term, we will be moving through Phase 3 phonics which introduces the children to:

Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, ng, nk

Vowel digraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, ur, oo, or, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er, ow

We will be revisiting the sounds we have already learnt and the children will continue to build on their segmenting and blending skills. We will continue to learn to read and write harder to read and spell words, which you can support your children with at home using their word keyring on their book bags.

Phase 3 harder to read and spell words: he, she, buses, we, me, be, push, was, her, my, you, they, all, are, ball, tall, when, what

The children will continue to write their names and will be introduced to their surnames.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This term, we will be focusing on turn taking as well as increasing our confidence when sharing our news.  We will support the children in describing themselves positively, whilst talking about their abilities with others. We will be taking part in lots of group games; allowing children to speak to others and work together to develop key sharing skills. We will also be focusing on ‘Do we need to keep our teeth healthy?’. We will be discussing how and why we need to keep our teeth healthy and we will role play the steps for brushing our teeth using the vocabulary first, next, then, after etc.

Expressive Arts and Design

This term, the children will help create our wonderful role play areas that link closely to our book themes, such as a dentist surgery. They will be encouraged to share their ideas and use resources to create props for inside their role play areas. The children will have the chance to write lists, instructions, draw maps and write letters to different characters. The children will also have the opportunity to paint onto a variety of surfaces and make 3D models such as vehicles, using our junk modelling area. We will be exploring 3D sculpture and printing within our art lessons. The children will have the opportunity to print using objects from around the classroom to make paintings and will also be focusing on a Valentines design. They will explore clay modelling and papier-mâché when developing their sculpture skills. The children will continue to attend singing workshops with Mrs Shakspeare every week, and will showcase some of their learning in a lyrical recital performance. They will learn lots of new songs and actions and will have the opportunity to play different musical instruments in response to music.  

Understanding of the World

This term, we will be spending lots of time exploring and comparing cold climate animals and their habitats. We will learn lots of interesting facts about penguins and polar bears and will create our own fact files to encourage others to learn too. We will learn and explore different modes of transport and discuss the amazing places we may choose travel to in our world. Through the story of The Great Race, we will explore Lunar New Year, learn about Chinese traditions and find China on the map. We will read and explore the Easter Story exploring how Christians celebrate Easter and how Christian’s worship in a church to talk to God. We will look at the season of Winter and will go on a Winter walk, discussing the similarities and differences between Autumn and Winter.

Mathematical Development

This term in Maths, the children will be focusing on the numbers 6-10 as well as number bonds, addition, subtraction, length, height and 3D shapes. We will continue to have a strong focus on subitising (being able to recognise the number of objects without counting). As well as this, we will be focusing on counting slowly and accurately to 20. We will be looking at part – part - whole models, using the numberblocks and cubes to explore number bonds. Following on from this, we will use practical apparatus such as Numicon to add two or more groups and we will develop our understanding that addition is combining two groups to find a whole. With support, the children will use the symbols + and = to write their own number sentences. We will also continue to hold a strong focus on adding one more and taking one away from towers, numicon and other movable objects.

Physical Development

This term, we will focus on our ball skills by throwing and catching different sized balls and using the equipment accurately and safely. The children will also be practising their fine motor skills and hand to eye co-ordination by threading, practising scissor skills and holding their pencil and other tools correctly. We also have a finger gym station which allows the children to develop their fine motor skills during their play. The children will be supported to develop self-care skills when getting changed for P.E. and zipping up their coats. We will also be focusing on healthy eating and the importance of eating a varied diet.

Wow moments

We would love to hear about any significant events your child takes part in at home or when they do something amazing. If you have any pictures of significate events or have amazing moments you would like to share with us, please post these on your child’s 2Evidence me account. Your child will have an opportunity to share their amazing moments with their friends in class.

General class Reminders

  • Fully named school PE kit needs to be in school everyday.
  • BOOK BAG, READING BOOK and READING RECORD need to be brought into school everyday.
  • Read everyday at home with your child and make a short note of this in their reading record.
  • Support them in reading and writing their ‘harder to read and spell’ words (found on a keyring on their green book bag).
  • Don’t forget to sign up and share photos and WOW moments of your child using your child’s Evidence Me account. 
  • Sign up for our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages to be kept up to date with what’s going on!

Twitter - @CastleView_PS   

Facebook – Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.   

Instagram- @castle_viewps

Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important.  Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up.

Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent

If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school.

Mrs Gordon

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Meadway, Halton Brook, WA7 2DZ

Headteacher | Ms H Melarangi

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J Hidden

[email protected]

SEN Coordinator | Miss L Mulholland

Attendance Officer | Miss A Sheady

Chair of Governors | Mrs J Gavin

Designated Safeguarding Governor | Mr D Jones

School Office Administrator | Mrs E Golding

School Bursar | Mrs S Hudson